How To Start Blogging in 2023 | FREE Tips for New Bloggers

If you are reading this article then we are sure you are new to the intriguing world of blogging and want to learn how to start blogging.

Blogging is an art that develops over time and your blog also grows along with it. People have different reasons to start a blog, and money is one of them.

If you have just started thinking about blogging, don’t think more and just start it. It requires minimum investment and even you can start for FREE with blogging platforms, such as,, etc.

So, in this article, you will read about blogging, how to start a blog, and some simple tricks to keep going. Read this article on “how to start blogging” till the end & let us know if you need any other clarification.


How To Start Blogging


Types of Bloggers


If we categorize the bloggers in a broader sense, then we will find that there are only 2 types of bloggers.

First ones are those who share their personal views on their personal blogs. They can write about anything from product review to their personal view on the current political situation. Amitabh Bachchan personal blog is one such great example of a personal blog.

The second category of bloggers is ‘Niche Bloggers‘. They are those who choose a particular field and start blogging about it. For example, Technology, Fashion, Health, Software, and Education, are some of the very popular niche categories.

So, now you have to choose what type of blogger you want to become.


How To Start a Blog & Start Blogging




To start “BLOGGING“, you first need to have a blog where you can write your views. To set up a blog, you will need a domain name and web hosting.

If you are still reading this article, so we are sure you have decided to start your blogging journey and now you are determined to start a blog.

So, let’s proceed further and know more about the domain name and hosting.


Domain Name

The first step is to select a domain name which will be your blog address. It is similar to your home address. If people know your home address they can visit you.

Similarly, if your visitor knows your domain address, they will come to read your articles. So, basically, a domain name is your address on the internet world.

The domain name should be simple to type and remember, so choose wisely.

There are a number of domain registrars where you can book your domain name such as NameCheap, Hostgator, GoDaddy, BigRock, etc. Personally, we like Namecheap, which is one of the best among all and provide free lifetime domain privacy.


Web Hosting

Hosting is a very vital factor for the success of a blog. It depends upon you which hosting to choose and whether you want to deploy a self-hosted website with unlimited features or want to use a free platform with limited functions.

If you are using FREE platforms like Blogger and WordPress, you don’t need hosting or even a domain name, and you can just create an account on these platforms and start blogging. But, they will not give you as many options as self-hosted blogs.

So, if you are serious about your blogging and thinking of it as a career option, invest in a good web hosting company.

There are lots of factors which you should consider while choosing your web hosting provider.

Some of these factors are listed below.

  • Server Speed & SSD.
  • Disk space & Bandwidth.
  • Free SSL Support.
  • Uptime commitment.
  • Support & Time to resolution.
  • Value for money.


There are a plethora of web hosting providers and choosing the right one is the key to success. Most importantly hosting depends upon your budget and the more you invest in it, you will definitely get more flexibility.

But, if you are a new blogger and have just started the blogging journey, you should always consider purchasing “Shared Hosting” as it is cheaper, and will know how to manage and run it without any hassle.

We have tried multiple hosting till now and currently, we are using web hosting from Hostgator and Interserver. So, if you have to choose between these 2, we would recommend you to go for Interserver as their servers are fast and they also provide Solid State Drives (SSD) for free.


Buy Interserver Unlimited Web Hosting


Note: If you will buy from the above link we will provide you a free consultation on how to install WordPress, install most vital plugins and set up your first blog for FREE.


Now, once you have purchased the domain name and web hosting, you are good to start your first blog/website and enter into the blogging world.

There are a number of ways you can start your blog.

The most widely adopted method is to use a CMS. There are a number of ‘Content Management System (CMS)‘ which you can use, but the number 1 choice of all the bloggers is ‘WordPress‘ as it has a huge community and also has a huge database of WordPress Themes and Plugins.

Installing, WordPress is very easy. Once you have changed the Name Servers (NS) of your domain name to the current hosting provider, you will have the ability to install WordPress just by using the 1-click installer provided by the hosting company.

You also have the option to install the WordPress manually, but for that, you will have to create a database, a database user and link both of them with appropriate permissions. If you are naive, we’ll request you to use the automated method (If you need help, just comment below).

Once your WordPress blog is set up, just go to the ‘post section‘ and start writing your first post.

This is how you start a blog and start blogging!


Tips for New Bloggers


We have been in the blogging industry since 2010 and have got quite good experience now. So if you are serious about blogging, below are some of the tips for you.

1. Content is KING, so create engaging content for your readers.

2. Be regular. Creating an article on regular basis keeps the momentum up and you will also gain new readers.

3. Understand your audience and share related articles with them.

4. Be active and respond to your visitors query.

5. Invest in good hosting provider.

6. Keep in mind ON-Page and OFF-Page SEO while creating your posts.

7. Use optimized images in your articles.


Wrap Up

At last, we would only like to say that if you have decided to start blogging, please don’t give up and if you are short on funds right now consider free blogging platforms, but do try.

We hope now you know ‘how to start blogging‘ and become a blogger. If you like the article and would like to refer this to your friends, please go ahead and share it and also do leave your valuable comments as it keeps us motivated and help us in providing you more content.