4 Ways For Graphic Designers to Save Money on Software Costs

If you love creating things on a digital platform, then a career as a graphic designer may be your best bet. While this career will require you to go to college for a few years, you will be able to learn invaluable skills that can make you a lot of money. Using different software programs like Corel and Adobe Photoshop is something you will have to get used to as a graphic designer. These types of software can be quite expensive, which is why finding a way to cut costs is a must.


Ways For Graphic Designers to Save Money on Software Costs


The following are some of the things you should do when trying to cut costs on the software you use as a graphic designer.


1. Find Out If Your Employer Has an Official License

If you work as a graphic designer for a large firm, then you may be able to get the software you need for free. Often times, larger companies will buy a license for a particular program so they can let their employees use it when they want. Before you go out and buy a piece of design software, you need to speak with a member of management within your company. They should be able to let you know what software programs the company has licenses for and how you can access them.

If the program you need is not currently licensed by your company, then you may want to try and convince them to buy it. Letting management know the benefits of the particular program may be enough to sway their decision.


2. Get Multiple Designers to Invest in a Software Bundle

There are a number of software companies out there who offer bundles to graphic designers that feature a number of different tools. Often times, these bundles will be a bit costly, but well worth the money considering how beneficial they can be.

If you really want to take advantage of a software bundle but do not have all of the money needed, you may want to reach out to other graphic designers you know. Getting a large group of designers to go in on this bundle will make it more cost-effective for everyone involved. Being able to take advantage of a great bundle for a fraction of the cost will require you to do a bit of networking, but it will be worth the effort you invest.


3. Are Academic Discounts Offered?

When trying to find the right graphic designer software programs, be sure to inquire about the type of discounts that a company offers. Usually, companies who provide this type of software will offer academic discounts to students in school studying graphic designer.

If you are still in school, then this is a great way for you to save a lot of money on the software needed. Without a bit of research, you will find it nearly impossible to get a great deal on the software you need to be a graphic designer.


4. Take Advantage of the Trial Version

Most new graphic designers fail to realize just how many different software programs there are on the market. In order to find the right one, you will have to take advantage of trial versions offered by these companies. Many of the software companies out there will offer a trial version of their product for a short time so that consumers can see what they have to offer.

Using these trial versions is a great way to find out whether or not a piece of software is the right fit without having to spend money in the process. If you feel like a software program will be beneficial, you will need to see what type of deal the manufacturer can offer you.

Getting discounts on great graphic designer software is easy when using the Coupon Buffer website. Call them or go to their site to get more information.