When to Use a Virtual Private Server?

A Virtual Private Server (VPS) uses virtualization software to partition physical servers into multiple “virtual” servers – each having the ability to run its own operating system and applications. VPS is not for everyone, but is quickly becoming the hosting preference of choice for professional bloggers and advanced Web developers who require root access to the server to run their own software.

Are you ready to switch from a shared server – the typical Web hosting setup to a Virtual Private Server? Or, should you go even further and invest in your own dedicated server? Your need for server space, flexibility and growth potential will answer these questions.


Virtual Private Server


You have Outgrown Shared Website Hosting Servers

VPS is a fantastic solution if your website has outgrown the space offered on a shared hosting plan, especially if you run multiple high-traffic websites. While dedicated servers are a big financial and technical investment, VPS offers an “in between” option that offers great flexibility and scope for a savvy Web developer without the hefty price tag.

If your bandwidth usage is high and your website seems slow to perform, you may need more resources than a shared website hosting plan provides. Shared hosting means you share everything – so you are restricted in how big your website can grow, and your available resources.


You Want To Run Specific Applications

If you want to customize your Web hosting server or need more technical flexibility than shared hosting, but the price tag of a dedicated server is prohibitive, then a VPS can be a brilliant option. You get full root-level access to install and delete software, set permissions, create accounts and determine your customized server environment – but because you are still sharing hardware you do not have to be concerned about the physical server maintenance and security.


Website Hosting Using A VPS

VPS has clear advantages for website hosting as it offers a huge level of flexibility over shared website hosting, without stretching your budget to a dedicated server. A VPS offers you an environment for development and testing for your website hosting.

For example, you could choose to have a VPS dedicated to testing and a separate VPS running simultaneously for your live or production websites. Without the need for two, physical servers you can safely debug software, install major changes and software updates in a secure environment without affecting your live websites.

A VPS is not the same as a dedicated server, but it gives the illusion of being one. A good Web developer can do almost anything on a VPS that they would want to do on dedicated server, however, a VPS hosting plan is substantially less expensive, comes with technical support, and the hardware behind a VPS is not your responsibility. Sure, cheap servers can be acquired, but they will require a far larger overhead in terms of physical security and technical maintenance, security and support.



Ultimately, a VPS (Virtual Private Server) can be the perfect solution when you need more flexibility and features than a shared hosting plan, but are not in the market for your own dedicated hosting server.
